How to effectively learn new words?
method 1
The easiest way - cut cards with unfamiliar words. On the one hand you write a word in English, on the other side - translation. And while you're shaking in transport on the way to work \ study fingering the cards and memorize the words. So not only do you enrich your vocabulary, but also earn the respect of grandmothers and pass for an intellectual. However, there are several problematic to get their cards in crowded public transport and then not to lose them all over the car. You can, of course, throw in cards together and make something like a small book, then your brain can remember a word of what was going on, and this exercise will lose its former effectiveness.
Fans of technical innovations can use the cards instead of your phone and download it to a program that will check whether you have memorized a new word. However, it can be difficult to find a program that will "drive" you precisely those words, that you need. Most often in such applications already have their own sets of words that are proposed to you and to learn.
An example of such a program - Duolingo
method 2
Spend the whole day at the computer? Install a program that will ask you about the meaning of a new word when she sees fit. Above the tables, charts, or seals from the Internet will appear a dialog box prompting you to select the correct translation of the word. The window will close only after your reply. So, if you want - you do not want will learn the words themselves.
This method is suitable for people whose work is not related to stress and making quick decisions. For the rest of this program will be more effective on a home computer.
An example of such a program - WordsTeacher
method 3
Have you always dreamed to become a translator and you have a lot of free time? Then do not learn words in isolation, try to work with them in context. Take a small excerpt in English and try to translate it. Seek out unfamiliar words in the dictionary, look for them the most suitable place in the sentences and memorize. A few days later you can go back to his translation to check how well you memorize new words. However, if the transfer proposal was given to you easily, there is a chance that you can forget the value of a new word.
method 4
Try to make suggestions of words to memorize. It is not necessary to invent something melancholy sentences like "Mom soap frame". Try to think of something more cheerful. Ideally, if your phrase is somehow associated with you personally.
For example, make all the weekly offers of words about what stupidity love your ex-boyfriend or phrase that you wish to employee passport office. Experience suggests that in such situations perfectly memorized the names of weapons or dangerous animals. Own store of knowledge, laughter and positive infusion will help you learn new words much easier. Daily re-reading this work, you will not only remember the words, but also lift your mood.
method 5
Pick association in the English language in the delicate way. Think about it, and what word it seems that it reminds you in your own language? For example, the word "carpet" (carpet), sounding a bit like the word "proofreading". But if you think about it, it's you and threatens, if you spill juice on the carpet favorite of your mother. You can learn new words, presenting, as an ox carries into pieces wall (wall), a thief hides in plum sleeves (sleeves), and any children you roam on the lawn (lawn). This method of memorization will help you see the world from an unexpected quarter and will contribute to the development of your imagination.
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